To be
fair, most recent school textbooks have stopped using the term “discovered”. Instead, they’re using the more politically
correct term “fucked over”. Which means, now the tide has turned against my
great-great-great-great-great uncle Cristoforo Colombo (Christopher Columbus). You see, uncle Cristoforo was born in Genova, (Genoa) Italy, like my daughter, her great grandfather before her, his great grandfather before
him, and all the way to uncle Cristoforo.
My daughter, by the way, was born in Genova exactly five-hundred years AFTER
her great uncle Cristoforo discov… uh, fucked America over. Oh the humanity.
OK, so somewhere along the line the conversation shifted
from “Who discovered America?” to “Who fucked America?” Fair enough.
But I’m not about to let that conversation go gently into the night… oh
no. As luck would have
it, 25% of my family was native American, the other 75% was Italian. Native South American to be precise. Apparently a tribe so tough (the Aymaras) that even the mighty Incas said, "we’re not fucking around with them." I asked my dad one day about this, and he
told me something interesting. He said, “You
know son, my great, great, grandfather was probably not much nicer than Genghis
Khan. We idealize native American tribes
quite a bit, but the truth is, they had their own demons and atrocious behavior
at times.” And there it was, the moment
of Zen in the “who fucked America more” pissing contest. There ain’t no good guys, there ain’t no bad
So just for fun, let’s re-shift the conversation to “Which
very-white guy arrived to America first?” Now THAT race belongs to three great European
explorers: Leif Ericson, Uncle Cristoforo, and Giovanni Caboto (Giovanni later
changed his name to John Cabot, like all immigrant explorers who were bullied
at explorer school in the New World). To
be fair, let’s start chronologically: Ericson was a mighty Norse Viking
Icelander, which basically means he drank a lot and wore a steel helmet –
probably because he drank a lot. Keep in mind, for someone that drank a lot he didn’t just beat Columbus by a day or
two: we’re talking about five-hundred
years BEFORE uncle Cristoforo. So why
was old Leif robbed of the historic honor of “the very-white guy who first fucked America”? Well, minor technicality, as always: Leif’s
trip actually started in Iceland. That's
like saying you discovered Canada and you live in Detroit.
Icelanders and Scandinavian in general are a little
sore about this subject, by the way. If
you ever want to have a little fun, bring that up at a bar in Reykjavik, in Oslo,
or in Copenhagen. I will say this for
the old Viking: he actually called the new found land “Vinland”
(“Wine Country”). Awesome name if you
ask me. But Canadians many years later
had a better idea. They thought the new
found land should be called Newfoundland. Those wild and crazy Canadians can get out of control sometimes.
Five-hundred years later, uncle Cristoforo borrowed a few
bucks from the queen of Spain and told her he would pick up some tea for her in
Japan. He landed instead in the Bahamas.
Now to be fair to uncle Cristoforo, if you look at any wall map, the Bahamas is only
three feet away from Japan. Slightly off
course, little did he know he had just set the official precedent for all
Italian modes of transportation over the next five-hundred years. If you don't believe me, grab a taxi in Rome some
time and give the driver the exact address of where you're going. Let me just
help you with his reply here: “N’do cazzo??” is just Roman for “Where the fuck is that?”
Which brings us to John Cabot. I have to say, this one I don’t get. A few
historians have a beef with uncle Cristoforo because technically
he only made it to the Caribbean and Central America. So they give the honor of the discovery of NORTH
America to John Cabot. That’s just great.
Except for one minor detail: the only
record of John Cabot ever landing on the shores of North America was in
NEWFUCKINGFOUNDLAND. Yeah, exactly five-hundred
years after Leif Ericson. Talk about Oldfoundland.
So there you have it. I have vindicated my family by doing
what every good patriot in any God-fearing country does best: re-writing
Happy uncle Cristoforo day.
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