Sunday, October 11, 2020

Corporate Finance 101 And The Farce Of Defending Donald Trump’s Finances

ONE. Payroll taxes, exactly as the term implies, are directly attributable to employee pay. I have been both employer and employee. In a perfect world an employee would take 100% of their gross pay and take care of all taxes, healthcare, etc. If you believe that employers are “taking care” of employee taxes above and beyond the employee’s total contribution, then good luck with that bridge you also bought. Same goes for healthcare “benefits”. A business owner is not paying for healthcare or payroll taxes out of his or her own pocket. To state or imply this is either ignorant or manipulative. 

TWO. The vast majority of free enterprise does not operate under the shady practice of serial bankruptcy. About 92% of bankruptcies are a one and done deal. Serial bankruptcy is an obvious pattern of gaming a system. If you don’t like a system then change it. But living under the umbrella of a system, profiting from it, and then vulturing it does not vindicate your contempt for the system: it makes you a con artist and a grifter. 

THREE. Creating jobs as a corporation is only commendable if the jobs are sustainable. Short lived employment caused by a system-gamer is highly destabilizing, wiping out most if not all the short lived value it created. If you add the total amount of contractors stiffed by a system-gamer, including the destabilizing layoffs suffered within each contractor’s organization, plus the direct layoffs within the system-gamer’s organization, you are essentially a net destroyer of value - not a creator of anything. 

FOUR. Siphoning profit first and foremost, knowing that a deal is not sustainable, is admired only by the so-called wolves of Wall Street (an insult to the amazing spirit of wolves). It leaves a wake of destruction behind, perpetually being enabled by a system that hides behind the false flag of “job creation”. These “job creators” regularly hop in bed with politicians, who wave the false flag of job creation for votes, then line their pockets through a wink from their private sector sponsor. 

Very few financial experts, for reasons I cannot quite yet grasp, are working on exposing Donald Trump’s business con game. It’s actually not that difficult. A brain trust from Ivy League academia could easily bring down that house of cards. But just perhaps, Ivy League academia has been in bed one too many times with the big-time grifters. Ivy leaguers already have enough problems with the plethora of buildings and halls named after a gaggle of “robber barons” and “grandpa racists”. This sadly compromises them beyond repair.

The “failing” New York Times is trying, and hopefully they might just succeed. It’s been done before, back when the Washington Post had the good fortune of having Michael Jordan AND Scottie Pippen on their team (Bernstein & Woodward). Notice how relentless DT’s attacks on the NYT are, he knows where his possible downfall would come from. But without the aid of true corporate know-how, the NYT is fighting a battle with one hand tied behind its back. We need a new Deep Throat. A very wealthy Deep Throat...

Here’s where it gets strange: there is a brighter side of the capitalist force, which includes people like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Mark Cuban, and quite a few others. You would think that this brain trust could easily join forces with a fourth estate warrior like the NYT and bury the grifter in chief once and for all. But unfortunately for the good of the world it’s not that simple. These men are somewhat compromised by a system that rewarded a few bad habits of their own (tax loopholes on steroids if you catch my drift), though nowhere near at the sewer levels of DJT. Their reluctance is unfortunate and unnecessary. Some questionable maneuvers aside they are net creators of value. As such they should not lurk in the shadows and watch this debacle as if they were powerless. 

Depending on the outcome of the election in four weeks, the fate of our society as we know it may be in the hands of this bright side of the capitalist force. If the voters cannot manage to overturn a deadly error in our democracy, then our captains of industry will have a huge amount of soul-searching to deal with. Turn a blind eye, and they will essentially become grifters themselves by omission. They might as well be the last nail in the coffin of America. 


The Useful Idiots

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